Interesting article in The Age today reporting on a recent SANE survey of more than 500 workers which found 95% felt their employers were uneducated about mental illness and needed training to manage its effects. Most said ‘no support’ had been provided to them when they were mentally unwell.
It is such a surprisingly short-sighted view for organisations to put their head in the sand and not address the tremendous cost of excessive, unrelenting and demanding work stress which impacts not only the individual worker, but their team, organisation .. family and community. We have all been there .. trying to juggle 60+ work hours and maintain personal and professional demands. Why do we continue to pretend it isnt healthy?.
It really is a simple message : As human ‘beings’ we can only do some much ‘doing’! Organisations need to step up to their ‘duty of care’ in respect to health and wellbeing (physical and mental) of their employees. At no stage in our personal and professional development, or education system, do we learn how to self manage our stress. As a meditation practitioner and instructor it continues to amaze me how many people have absolutely no understanding of how to monitor and manage their stress. Learning (and practicing) some simple meditative exercises can have a profound and almost immediate impact on rising stress, tension and anxiety .. improving our mood, creativity and focus, and providing a clarity of mind .. often, right in the heat of the moment. Living with a little stress is manageable .. but long term, embedded stress leads to dis-ease and ill health.
If you would like to learn more about Meditation and how meditation can be a valuable addition to your Employee Wellness program contact Sarah at
For help or information call Suicide Helpline Victoria on 1300 651 251 or Lifeline on 131 114, or visit